Church of the Three Daughters

ranch Yggdrasilian

The ranch 

-ᛒranch Yggdrasilian; a society for poetry-

Branch Yggdrasilian is an affiliated Church of the Three Daughters committee and an Internal Masonic concordant body. We are a North American eclectic, egoist, occult group, reared in Nordic etc. mythic metaphor, and we are open to all ethnicities, gender identities, and religious associations, including atheists. Our work mostly consists of reading and writing poetry, but Branch Yggdrasilians are also fixated on the multiple futharks and other symbols., and we intently reflect on them with a practice called "runeination", which consists of a type of rumination on rune glyphs from a non-archetypical theoretical approach. Loyal Order of Leprechauns (LOL) is the main branch, of the Branch, and acts as festive board and idea forum for the lodge. The primary foundation of Branch Yggdrasilian is based towards rumination on verse, writing, and on other various poetical activities for alternate communication and socialization. The Branch is also the trusted repository for lodge verse in conjunction with being an archive for Wold poetry.  

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