Church of the Three Daughters

Archonic Lots

We cast and read lots here within the Church of the Three Daughters. We shake them in a wooden vessel adorned with serpent and spider art, and we draw an individual lot out, three times, placing one in the centre, one on the right, then one on the left. The ruminator executes readings though applications of sortition. The Archonic Lots act as cultic symbols in denotation of the twofold five points and designated attributes of the star, fundamentally being: the nomination, position, crystal, and colour, of the star. The four factors provide methodological logistics and dictate the direction of the angelic conversations. The twelve, red stained inscribed, runes signify crystalline concepts of the five points; executed through an alternate material representation, and through exemplification of cultural spook relevancy, for the carry-over process of the metaphor. The set, ordained by the Church of the Three Daughters, is carried over from reformed glyphs of the Younger Futhark.

The meaning of the runes is facilitated through the Church of the Three Daughters parishioner's intimacy and knowledge of the paths and points of the star, and corresponding crystal metaphor. There is no power in the symbol itself, but, rather much like most early (14th-19th century), and up to the modern (1905-present), "schools" of runology, the identity is inserted from the ruminator. It is an internal creative process, in conjunction with history, of which the history of runology, asserted by many rune scholars and practitioners is one of documented, romantic, ahistoricism. (For a more detailed account see: Evans, Elliott S., "Runes: Past and Present"). The carry-over of the metaphor must have a core bridged with acknowledgements to history. The identity and potency of the Archonic Lots reside in the signification created by our church, the meaning is not inherently instilled in some "sacred centre", like some Platonic archetype. We are aware of our mind construction, and take full responsibility for the fabrication; we, as speculative, masonic, (un)theistic-satanists, stand firmly in cognition of the egoism behind the construct, and gladly own it.

The Archonic Lots are drawn in sets of three, or on occasion in sets of five called a star crown pattern, but the standard form is triatic. The reading always starts with the centre rune proceeding from right to left, or left to right, depending on the directional designation of the represented crystal. All crystal points before the fourth point are read from centre to right to left, and all those fourth point and beyond are read from centre to left to right. For example, if: ᚱ ᛒ ᚼ was drawn, the reading would start with the centre, which acts as the foundational metaphor and would follow the ascribed five-pointed star ordinance. In our case the centre rune, ᛒ, is constituted as denoting beryl, path four of the second point. Beryl is the crystal of emphasis for the ruminator and focus would be directed to its inner thought cleansing rain imagery. Path four of the second point is named Pskyche Aquosusophos. It is associated with a birch branch goddess metaphor and water faerie lore. The motivation behind the symbol is anchored in emotional wellness. The ruminator would then continue onward to the right with ᚼ. The rune represents the star sapphire crystal of the cardinal fourth point. The angelic thought-inference structure concludes on ᚱ, the rune is designated to the fifth point, path nine, aligned with carbuncle and all of its crystal attributes. A very basic reading of the Archonic Lots- ᚱ ᛒ ᚼ, for explanatory reasons, could be: maintain great thoughts (ᛒ) as you express soulful works (ᚼ) in communication and interaction with others (ᚱ).

The casting of Archonic Lots is not done for reasons of divination and soothsaying, although it can still lend a hand in dealing with such spookery. The lots are utilized for mind exploration. Our philosopher lodge views psychology, and its various factions, as a new religious movement of philosophy. The lots are used as a pedagogical tool for the member. It allows for unique intimacy with the concepts of the ascribed twelve crystal rite. Each lot provides an ocular device for the seer to peer internally and thusly interact better externally. The daily, directed, introspective conversations result in ultimately about getting to know your inner fulfillment objectives- to know what is behind your feelings. Also how to navigate externally for more conscientious interactions with others, no matter if the setting of boundaries is needed, or if the opening of the heart is required. Internal Masonry is the pillar behind Church of the Three Daughters. They reign together as a speculative-masonic affinity union. Internal Masonry is not to be confused with operative masonry. Internal Masonry is not about building walls, because the walls already stand, no matter how many haters of the body deny it. The foundation is the body; Internal Masonry is about loving that body. Our scope is focused on the mental maintenance of those inevitable walls (the body), on the refinement of its internal realms, and on the honing of its structure.

ᛆ  ᛁ ᛋ ᛒ ᚢ ᚦ ᚰ ᛓ  ᚱ ᚴ ᛇ ᚼ

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