Branch Yggdrasilian

Loyal Order of Leprechauns LOL

My goodness! It's your lucky day! You reached the Loyal Order of Leprechauns, or, "LOL". 

As main branch of the Branch Yggdrasilian festive board, our name says it all, we're about having a laugh, but never to the detriment of others. In fact, as responsible egoist, what brings us joy is the realizations surrounding power dynamics. Such as those displayed in social discourse via denial of ego/selfishness, and how the unawareness, or ego-unacceptance, could have potential to act as an eradicator of empathy. Please click the link, Eigenheit, for more on this concept.

Now, to get back to our namesake, this page marks the spot for the lodge's current Loyal Order of Leprechauns activities. You'll see us out and about, representing the Branch at various gatherings, such as renaissance fairs, gothic culture events, occult conventions, at one of our movie nights, runic lot carving get-togethers, supper meetings, or, most predominantly, through our role-playing campaigns, organized by our TTRPG committee, namely, "Deadman's Tavern", headed by Branch Yggdrasilian DM, Troy Taylor. 

Kindness, mirth, and merriment is what encompasses our direction. Loyal Order of Leprechauns is always on the level, so grab a pint, or whatever you like in your pipe, and have a laugh with us!

Deadman's Tavern

Branch Yggdrasilian TTRPG Branch 

Troy Taylor, DM

Deadman's Tavern- The Tyrants of Midgard

-from Leprechauns: The Myths, Legends, & Lore, by Bob Curran

Loyal Order of Leprechauns


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